The first and best thing that it will bring (eventually) is the return of my soldier!!! I am looking forward to that like you cannot believe. It's still a ways away, but as some of my fellow Army wives point out, at least now I can say that my husband is coming home THIS year!
This past year has been one full of changes, new additions and ..deployment. We got engaged, then married, moved in together and then I helped him pack up to deploy. It's a year that I am happy and sad to say goodbye to, because for each 'not-so-great' has been a fantastic 'awesome' happening. It was a year full of new beginnings and promise. We have so much hope and anticipation for our life together.
This new year comes jam packed with the promise of fruition of those hopes and dreams, just as any new marriage does. We have a lot to do, I just hope by the time he comes home, there is enough of the new year left to do it all in.
We are starting off this new year, thousands of miles away. He texted me on my blackberry when the new year rang in over there, but I won't be able to return the favor when it rings in over here, as he'll be fast asleep, catching up on some very needed rest. He works very hard over there and a good night sleep can be hard to come by. I, will be ringing in the new year with a group of great ladies who have been fantastic this year... another great thing I am grateful for this year, are some of the great friends I have made.
So here's to a New Year filled with laughter, hope, and new Beginnings!!! I don't have to face this new year alone, I have four great kids to keep me busy and overwhelmed. I have great friends, both old and new to keep me grounded, keep me in laughter and to keep me in fun!
Bring it, 2011.
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